Thought it would be fun to do an evening shot where we have to push our colors a bit.
Keep the line drawing simple |
Start with the sky letting the pale yellow pink and blue mix slightly...not TOO wet or you have soup, not TOO dry or it wont blend. |
Repeat sky colors in water as it reflects from above. |
Next I added the distant land mass starting with the upper edge in a bluegreen and pulling it down with fresh water to imply mist on the horizon. |
Here is the whole shot to see how it is coming together. I lifted a light area in the rock mass in middle left because I forgot to leave space for the green grass area in shadow. |
Here I started to develope the larger evergreens, and I added the green grass mass that I had forgotten earlier. |
See how those dark lines blend into the rocks now with the clear water! Next start putting shadows on the bottoms of the big boulders to give form. |
Next I started to add the seaweed darks. This can be used as a great tool to lead your eye into and around the painting. |